Salary & Payment

Information & details

Salary & Payment

In accordance with the NBBU CLA
The salaries of temporary employees who work for Larex are always compliant with the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) of the Netherlands Association of Staffing and Temporary Agencies (NBBU). The salary depends on the nature of the work, experience, expertise, age and abilities of the employee.
Weekly salary payment
Larex pays the salaries of temporary employees on a weekly basis. The temporary workers receive a payslip showing a breakdown of gross wages, legal withholding and net salary.
In addition to wages, there are various fees and contributions such as: pension contributions, allowances, overtime, holiday benefits and salary savings. These may all apply to your specific situation. Call Larex about any questions regarding your salary or payments.
Income Tax
European residents who work in the Netherlands are required to pay income taxes, in Dutch called: ‘Loonbelasting’. These taxes will be withheld from the employees’ gross wages. The amount of tax is indicated on the pay slip and annual statement.
Foreign employees are subject to tax legislation from the Netherlands as well as from their country of origin.

Larex supports foreign staff

Health insurance is compulsory from the time you start working for a Dutch employer meaning that every person who lives or works in the Netherlands is legally obliged to take out standard health insurance. Larex supports you in applying for the necessary insurance policies due to the fact that It can be difficult to communicate with Dutch institutions and read Dutch documents, especially for craftsmen who are in the Netherlands for the first time.

What insurances are useful in The Netherlands?
  1. Supplemental health insurance
  2. Travel insurance
  3. Car Insurance
  4. Optional survivors’ insurance (Anw)
  5. Optional old age insurance (AOW)
Child benefits for foreign craftsmen

Foreign craftsmen living abroad and working for a Dutch company or agency, are entitled to childcare benefits in the Netherlands. In order to receive childcare benefits in the Netherlands, you must meet the following conditions:

  1. You must declare wages for income tax
  2. You must pay social security contributions or operate their own business
  3. Childcare benefits are granted to parents by the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB) and are paid out on a quarterly basis, the amount depends on the number of children and their ages.

For more information on childcare benefits, visit the Sociale Verzekeringsbank website in English, German or Polish here: Sociale Verzekeringsbank